Lactobacillus isalae

🔬 Exciting Discovery in Female Microbiome! 🔬

Just a few weeks ago Lactobacillus isalae sp. nov. (Eilers et al., 2023) was published, adding another key reference on to the Human Vaginal MICROBIOTA.

Key findings include:

Origin => Isolated from a healthy participant in the Isala project, focusing on the female microbiome.

Phylogeny => Despite the close 16S rRNA gene similarity (above 99%), genome-wide comparison using average nucleotide identity (ANI) showed the highest similarity to Lactobacillus paragasseri JCM 5343T (88.17%), indicating a distinct species.

Metabolism => Due to its limited carbon source usage, AMBV1719T can be considered a very host-adapted strain.

Taxonomy => Authors gave Lactobacillus isalae sp. nov. for this unique species. AMBV1719T (=LMG 32886T=CECT 30756T) is designated as the type strain. According to LPSN There are 301 Lactobacillus with a validly published name, including synonyms.

Sequence data => Available since March, 2023. => NCBI

This is a research from the University of Antwerp under the Isala initiative, who discovered a groundbreaking strain of LACTOBACILLUS, named AMBV1719T, isolated from a healthy participant. This important discovery contributes to the understanding of the female microbiome and microbial adaptations to the human host.


Ureterostomy, utis and metagenomics


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